Fight, Zatoichi, Fight

Fight, Zatoichi, Fight , Zatichi kesshtabi? is a 1964 Japanese chambara film directed by Kenji Misumi and starring Shintaro Katsu as the blind masseur Zatoichi. It was originally released by the Daiei Motion Picture Company later acquired by Kadokawa Pictures.

A group of assassins stop a blind men pilgrimage making their way down the road. The assassins ask for Ichi, but they all claim variations of that name. They line them up against a building to look at their faces, but do not find Ichi and leave. One of the blind men brings Ichi out from his hiding place in the building, and they laugh at playing a prank on sighted men. Ichi goes on his way.A pair of kago bearers convince Ichi to transport him so they dont have to return with an empty fare. The assassins see him enter, and head up the road to ambush him. On the way, the bearers stop for a woman who has collapsed in the road with her infant. Ichi insists she takes the carriage. The assassins ambush and kill the mother. The bearers, running back along the road, find Ichi who comes back with them. The headmen of the city arrive just after. ........

Source: Wikipedia